
Welcome to the London on FIRE Podcast, we’re Matt and Kellan! We love to discuss Financial Independence with various folks around the world who are passionate about their financial freedom.

We also have an amazing community in London, Ontario all about empowering each other with financial education. We meet monthly to discuss ways to make money, save money and leverage money to get more out of life.

JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LDNonFIRE/

Common Topics of discussion include:
-Increasing your income or earning side/passive income
-Budgeting & Tax harvesting strategies
-Investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, & small businesses
-Lifestyle Engineering
-As well as our regular book reviews!

This is for real people, who are looking to take control of their personal financial lives. There’s no sense reinventing the wheel – so let’s learn, earn and grow together!

