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Today we discussed Financial Independence with Jon Kepler. Jon has a wealth of experience with various stock investing, forex trading, businesses, online marketing, MLMs, and most recently has been very successful with rental property investing. Jon had some amazing stories to share, and showed us the value of creativity in business.
Brilliant, Jon!
Anna has already reminded you that you were just 17 when you announced your quest for residual income. I was amazed that someone so young could have it figured out so soon.
Your comments on MLM make total sense, and I remember the day you decided not to try another one. You chose real estate which meant you were much more in control of your own success.
I smiled when you mentioned “Am I Getting Paid For This?” It’s a great watershed question. When you told it to me, I made a small sign which is still pinned above my desk. It’s helped me many many times to stay on track and keep doing the things that make a difference in the thickness of our wallet.
As a teacher of thirty years, your comment about the report snapped my eyes and ears open. You weren’t satisfied with preparing for success. You wanted it then and NOW. It made me re-evaluate my role as a teacher. Luckily, I didn’t have to pay thousands of students each time they did their homework!
Thanks again for a great interview. It’s helped us understand even better where you’re headed and how you’re going to get there!
Go, Jon!
Love this comment. Thanks for sharing, Bob!
Thanks, Bob! You and Anna provided guidance and direction at a pivotal point in my life. I wouldn’t have found my path without you.